About us

Coastal People : Southern Skies. Centre of Research Excellence

Coastal People: Southern Skies is a national Centre of Research Excellence (CoRE). Coastal People: Southern Skies (CPSS) is a collaboration that connects communities across Aotearoa New Zealand and the South Pacific with world-leading, cross-disciplinary research to support transformative change to rebuild our fragile coastal ecosystems.  CPSS will aid local communities by providing information and tools that allow local scale responses to globally driven change in the marine environment (e.g ocean warming and acidification, sea-level rise). 

Coastal People: Southern Skies (CPSS) involves researchers from University of Otago, education programmes, government and community partners, University of Auckland, University of Waikato, Victoria University of Wellington, Massey University, Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi, University of Canterbury, and Auckland University of Technology.  

Vision & Mission

Our vision is flourishing wellness (mauri ora) of coastal communities. 

Our mission is to connect, understand and restore coastal ecosystems of Aotearoa New Zealand and the Pacific through transformative research, local action and by unlocking potential through new pathways to learning. 

Hiwa i te rangi

Hiwa i te rangi

Tangaroa pou

Tangaroa pou

Ki uta ki tai pou and moon

Ki uta ki tai pou and moon

Shells puke beach

Shells puke beach

Senior Leadership Team

Governance Board

Support Team

Our values are central to all that we do, and all our actions are underpinned by these values; our values are based on KAITIAKITANGA and MANA:

Meaningful, authentic, Natural, Action