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Postgraduate scholarships

Coastal People : Southern Skies Postgraduate Scholarships

Applications closing date 30th September 2024

PhD scholarships

Coastal People : Southern Skies PhD Scholarships

PhD scholarships closing date 30th September 2024

Postdoctoral fellowships

Coastal People : Southern Skies Postdoctoral Fellowships

Applications closing date 30th September 2024


Coastal People: Southern Skies Postgraduate Scholarships

Coastal People: Southern Skies (the Centre) intends to train and develop skilled students to the highest standards and to offer unique opportunities to postgraduate students. Postgraduate scholarships are budgeted to attract and provide opportunities for students who have unique skill sets and who otherwise may not have the opportunity to receive funding assistance and students who have an excellent academic record

Coastal People: Southern Skies PhD Scholarships

The applications will be assessed against the following criteria: 

  • Alignment of the applicant’s values with the values of the Centre; 
  • A project that is aligned with the research programme of the Centre; 
  • Support from a supervisor who is a named Centre Investigator; 
  • Support from a named community/cultural mentor; 
  • The applicant’s academic, work and or community service record (i.e. an academic record (or equivalent) that demonstrates achievement, demonstrated ability to complete tasks, and ability to work in a manner which will be required in the proposed project); 
  • The benefits (including skills development, capability building, data etc.) that will be realised from the project for the student and for coastal communities, Māori and Pacific peoples. 
  • The excellence of the proposed project (evaluated against the criteria of research excellence as currently established by the Centre). 

Coastal People: Southern Skies Postdoctoral Fellowships 2024

The applications will be assessed against the following criteria:

  • Alignment of the applicant’s values with the values of the Centre;
  • A project that is aligned with the research programme of the Centre;
  • Support from at least one named academic mentor;
  • Support from at least one named community/cultural mentor;
  • The applicant’s academic/work and or community service record (i.e. an academic record (or equivalent) that demonstrates achievement, demonstrated ability to complete tasks, and ability to work in a manner which will be required in the proposed project);
  • The benefits (including skills development, capability building, data etc.) that will be realised from the project for the Fellow and coastal communities, Māori and Pacific peoples.
  • The excellence of the proposed project (evaluated against the criteria of research excellence as defined by the Centre).

Join CPSS as a Researcher

New Zealand-based researchers or individuals whose work aligns with the research of CPSS are encouraged to consider becoming a member of the Centre.

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