Our Research

We stand for excellence in research, beyond outputs, beyond peer esteem. We pursue excellence in the whole scientific process. Excellence in co-development, excellence in communication, excellence in inclusivity, and excellence in application. Coastal People: Southern Skies represents a transformative approach – integrating the researcher within the community they support. We will broaden the view and the world of our scientists and researchers and make them an inherent part of Coastal Communities and the decisions they make. We are world leading in our own place. We will re-imagine and re-define research excellence. 

World-class Māori research outputs are those that rank with the best regardless of the topic, theme or location. Research outputs that deal with Māori topics or themes of primarily community-specific, regional or national focus or interest can be of world-class standard, and they may rank with the best research of its discipline conducted anywhere in the world. 

The Pacific Research Panel recognises that research may be transformative, innovative and adaptive. This includes research that is reflective of the changing realities and globalisation of Pacific peoples, as well as research that examines the significance of local identities, cultural ethos and indigenous knowledge systems and their roles in sustaining Pacific communities (PBRF Panel Specific Guidelines, 2018, p. 86) 

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Connecting to our coastal heritage places


Maintaining and expanding longitudinal monitoring: Southern (Otago) Moorings


Falafolaloa: spreading the mats of welcome and belonging


Promote mana enhancing leadership and world class training opportunities.


Understanding local and regional thermal regimes to prepare for climate change