The Training tumu will expand on successful place-based and environmentally-informed learning programmes, placing community and student-centred learning at the heart of our approach. Programmes will be developed for:
(1) primary and secondary students to encourage students from coastal communities into marine focused careers; (2) tertiary pathways for greater diversity of people for careers in applied and blue skies research and education; (3) training and connections for practitioners and communities that fit their needs and aspirations.
Funding opportunities will be available for postgraduate research with a particular focus on Honours/Masters and Postdoctoral Fellows.
The Training tumu aligns to Mana tangata (Our people): To promote mana enhancing leadership and world class training opportunities that reflect and celebrate diversity. One of the primary principles that guides the Training tumu is tuakana/teina. This is modelled throughout all components of Coastal People : Southern Skies. Tuakana/teina refers to tuakana (senior, more experienced)/teina (junior, less experienced), where the skills and experiences of the more senior person grows through mentoring the less experienced person, and vice versa.
Training Tumu
Connecting to coastal spaces – connecting to our coastal heritage places & connecting to our coastal seas
Dr Peter Dillingham
The Training Tumu is interwoven throughout all aspects of CPSS.
CPSS has significant opportunity to transform the research system through a dedicated focus on growth of skills, but also a growth in people. This is reflected in our values with the focus on Mana: meaningful, natural, authentic and action based.
These values are brought to life under the guiding notion of kaitiakitanga. CPSS values diversity and equity. We all lead. Our diversity and equity statistics mean we have the right people to be able to address emerging social and ethical issues, namely to appropriately transform New Zealand’s research sector, and thus address MBIE’s Diversity in Science Statement and other government initiatives in meaningful ways.
The Training theme includes:
Research pathways
Entry points to tertiary education for second chance learners and at risk groups
Professional development
Building diversity in industry the professions and academia
Wānanga for end users
Outreach: Hoea te waka: Piki te mātau
Our values are central to all that we do, and all our actions are underpinned by these values; our values are based on KAITIAKITANGA and MANA: