Rakiura Marine Research & Education Project

This project will provide the opportunities for learning, training and reconnecting communities with productive coastal ecosystems and support the rangatiratanga of Rakiura Māori.

Project Leader(s) Zane Smith

This project is about the small coastal community who live on Rakiura – the most southern point of the Polynesian triangle. Its ultimate goal is to spark the development of new sustainable and future focused industries that is defined and led by Rakiura Māori to provide social, cultural, and environmental benefits for Rakiura. This project will gather knowledge to support the development of a land and sea connected centre of research and training.  The centre will focus on sustainable marine food production and ecosystem restoration on Rakiura, supported by researchers across CPSS. This project will provide the opportunities for learning, training and reconnecting communities with productive coastal ecosystems and support the rangatiratanga of Rakiura Māori.