Te Tahuna o Whareponga

This project aims to understand the past, present and future mātauranga practices and fisheries management at Whareponga, on the East Coast of Te Ika a Māui.

Project Title Te Tahuna o Whareponga: Wa Nehera, O Naianei, Kei Mua: The past, present and future fisheries at Whareponga

Project Leader(s) Eliz Ngarimu

This project aims to understand the past, present and future mātauranga practices and fisheries management at Whareponga, on the East Coast of Te Ika a Māui (the North Island of Aoteraroa New Zealand).  For example, the project team will explore tīpuna use from the past of the Maramataka Māori – stars, currents, winds, wave patterns and manu (bird) flights, and consider what this looks like today. This kaupapa will help to contribute to a flourishing Whareponga whānau for generations to come.